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About The Global Deployment Analyzer

PharmaForce International offers five powerful web-based programs that allow clients to access up-to-date information on leading pharmaceutical sales forces around the globe. These easy to use database-driven programs are constantly being updated based on primary research and provide valuable knowledge on leading companies' sales forces in the United States and five countries in Europe.

The Global Deployment Analyzer

One low price provides subscribers a full year’s access to the database for all employees at your company located anywhere around the globe. You can choose to purchase the entire database or sections of the database that meet your information needs (e.g., company, country, geographic region, or therapeutic area); no other tool matches our capabilities of tracking sales representatives globally.

Did You Know?

  • The Deployment Analyzer captures of over 80% of the field forces deployed in the United States.
  • All of the data in the Deployment Analyzer is derived from primary intelligence. No secondary data is entered into the Global Deployment Analyzer.
  • All primary intelligence is gathered through one-on-one interviews and conversations with knowledgeable industry personnel. We do not use computer generated surveys.
  • All interviews are conducted in the native language of the interviewee.


Deployment Analyzer Introduction: View
Data Packages: View

Frequently Asked Questions

Your internet browser must be able to install and run ActiveX Controls. Mozilla FireFox can be configured to run ActiveX Controls by downloading and configuring ActiveX Plugins. Apple's Safari Browser WILL NOT WORK.

* Chrome or Microsoft Edge are highly recommended. Some versions of Internet Explorer may cause problems.

The European Deployment Analyzer database, introduced in 2007, contains information about 22 leading pharmaceutical companies’ sales forces in 5 countries.

The US Deployment Analyzer, introduced in 2008, provides information regarding over 70 leading pharmaceutical companies’ sales forces.

Many worldwide are represented, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.
PharmaForce’s web-based database enables users to generate custom reports based upon any combination of the following variables: country, company, brand, therapeutic area, and historical timeline. Specific information includes total number of company sales representatives deployed by sales groups including primary care and hospital/specialty, number of sales representatives by therapeutic area, number of sales representatives (FTEs) supporting individual brands. Product priorities by sales group, sales force (US only), and therapeutic area, average salary and bonus for each sales force (US) and sales group (EU); call reach and frequency analysis (US).
The research for the database relies primarily on unstructured interviews with key sources at the target companies, including sales representatives, district managers, product managers, human resource personnel, sales and marketing managers, and other key employees. PharmaForce’s global database of pharmaceutical industry contacts exceeds 50,000.
Markets worldwide are continuously monitored. The database is updated when solid information is obtained and verified throughout the year. Our analysts check for updates for each company at least once per quarter.
Any employee of your company globally may access the Deployment Analyzer 24/7. It is accessible from any computer in the world with Internet access. There is no separate license necessary and it can handle an unlimited number of users.
The Deployment Analyzer does provide historical data capabilities. European historical data is available starting in 2007. U.S. historical data is available starting in 2008.
The following are covered: anti-infectives (includes antibiotics, anti-fungals, and anti-virals); cardiovascular; CNS, pain and anesthesia; dermatology; endocrinology and metabolic disorders; gastrointestinal; gynecology/women’s health; nephrology and transplantation; oncology and hematology; ophthalmology; respiratory and allergy; rheumatology, bone and inflammation; urology; vaccines; and others on request.
Research analysts gather information from the target company. In some cases, this information is readily available. In other instances, information is derived through company source data (e.g., product bonus payout percent and/or product promotional priority).
PC = Primary Care. All sales forces that primarily promote brands to primary care healthcare providers (HCPs) are included under the Primary Care (PC) classification. This includes sales forces that call on specialty HCPs – as long as the majority of calls are targeted at primary care HCPs. For example: PC-1767 means promotion through 1,767 primary care FTEs (Full-time equivalents/sales representatives.)
Sp = Specialty Care. All sales forces that primarily promote brands to hospital-based or specialty HCPs are included under the Specialty Care classification. This includes sales forces that call on hospital-based and specialty as well as primary care HCPs as long as the majority of calls are targeted at hospital-based or specialty HCPs. For example, Sp means promotion through 204 Sp FTEs (Full-time Equivalents/Sales representatives).
The number of Healthcare Professionals on each sales representative call target list.
The ratio shows number of Primary Care HCPs versus number of Specialty HCPs each sales representative calls on.
The total number of calls per quarter that each sales representative makes (based on 60 working days per quarter).
The number of times per quarter that each sales representative calls on each HCP in each tier.
A Tier 1 physician is considered a prescriber with the highest potential to prescribe the target product. In some companies, this prescriber is described as a Decile 10 prescriber.
The database does not show a break out by target physician audiences within Sp category. Our definition of the Sp category includes both office-based specialists and hospital-based physicians.

About PharmaForce

Who We Are

PharmaForce International is a highly specialized competitive intelligence company, providing our clients with primary benchmarking data within the pharmaceutical and biotech industries so they can make strategic business decisions and be competitive in the world of tomorrow. The research staff at PharmaForce International is a group of multi-lingual competitive intelligence professionals with substantial... Read More

Competitive Advantages

PharmaForce International is a highly specialized competitive intelligence agency that has perfected the art of primary intelligence gathering. Our unique one-on-one approach delivers a level of granularity that you will not get from other competitive intelligence firms. When you choose PharmaForce International, you are choosing a team of experts who understand the dynamic environment of the pharmaceutical ... Read More

Research Methodology

PharmaForce International has solidified its position as a global market leader in custom and syndicated market intelligence and benchmarking because of our commitment to utilizing primary market research in our reports. While many firms rely heavily on secondary data sources, PharmaForce International prides itself on the extensive use of primary research in all of our report... Read More

Customer Testimonials

“Your oncology sales force and marketing expenditure benchmarking is the gold standard in the industry. Our company has purchased the study for 6 consecutive years and could not determine our marketing budgets or sales force POAs without it”
- Global Market Research Director, Top 5 Pharma Company
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PharmaForce Syndicated Studies

PharmaForce offers syndicated studies that are conducted annually, special interest studies and custom analysis. Major syndicated studies include:
  • Oncology Sales Force and Marketing Expenditure Benchmarking
  • Medical Liaison Strategy Benchmar.... Read More

Contact Information


PharmaForce International
4970 DeMoss Road, Suite 300
Reading, PA 19606

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